[Summary] The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

Neatly summarized in the pyramid below

Michael Chen
The Shortform



These are the 5 dysfunctions of a team, where one leads to the next dysfunction.

Absence of Trust

Trust is the confidence amongst team members that their peers’ intentions are good. Lack thereof leads to an inability to be vulnerable and defensiveness about mistakes and weaknesses.

Fear of Conflict

Such teams do not engage in honest, direct discussions. Instead of debating, they bury their opinions.

Lack of Commitment

With unresolved disagreements, team members rarely buy in and commit to decisions, despite seemingly agreeing in meetings.

Avoidance of Accountability

Calling out a peer for counterproductive behavior is difficult in itself. Doing so when team members never bought in in the first place is near impossible.

Inattention to Results

Team members care more about their individual status, rather than the collective goals of the group.



Michael Chen
The Shortform

I share ideas worth your time - in tech, education and society. | Co-Founder @ RoadMaple