1-Min Lesson for Founders: Don’t beat yourself up too much. It takes longer than you think.

Michael Chen
The Shortform
Published in
May 17, 2022



A month ago, I started working on a website that suggests the best products using AI.

Here was my thought process: “I just need to code X, Y, and Z. Then launch it in 2 weeks! 🚀🚀🚀 ”

Inevitably, things weren’t so simple. The algorithm was harder than expected; the UI faced some specific challenges; and a mini-analytics server was needed, which I only realized in hindsight.

After taking 2x longer than estimated, I finally launched it.

To my fellow founders: The ideation stage always misses 50% of all implementation details. Set ambitious goals, but expect unexpected delays.



Michael Chen
The Shortform

I share ideas worth your time - in tech, education and society. | Co-Founder @ RoadMaple